Let me start by saying, I asked God the other day for strength and creativity in my writing. I asked him to send me a sign or give me a hint of which topic I should write about and share. Well needless to say the word forgiveness popped into my day 5 different times. In my emails, my readings that day, amongst other individuals, and even a television and radio episode mentioned forgiveness and the power it creates.
As adults we really forget the power this word holds. We choose to stay angry, hold grudges, and just make ourselves miserable. When we choose not to forgive we do not realize the negative energy it creates especially for ourselves. All of this anger promotes HBP, stress, illness, anxiety and ulcers. Forgiveness can literally set us free if we allow it. If we could just get out of our own way and get over ourselves. Stop being mad at someone because they said something you did not like, or maybe they did something really hurtful. I know we can all relate to one or more instants in our lives where major, unforgivable (so we think) events have happened. The forgiveness process is a baby step process. I am not an expert, nor do I have any type of degree in psychology. I am human however, and I feel the same emotions as others. I know what it feels like to be mad, sad, angry, depressed, happy, excited, calm and many others feelings. I also know what power forgiveness has, since I myself have forgiven others that have done some pretty intense things to me. I finally realized the only way to find inner peace and happiness was to look at them and the situation and let it go. I know that I never have to make them my best friends, or even have a close relationship them. I do have the control however to LET IT GO AND MOVE ON.
Some people literally cannot find it within themselves. It is like another entity has a hold over them aka”ego”. They feel like forgiving would be worse than some fatal disease. Their pride will stand in the way for this simple word “forgive”. This is not brain surgery. It is an act of saying to yourself in your heart I forgive this individual for what ever happened or whatever they did. You need to realize that just because whatever action they did it is not going to end your world or theirs. You also need to realize how powerful it is to let the individual know you forgive them as well. I know, it sounds crazy and unreal to actually have to physically tell the “enemy” you forgive them. Right? Once this is done and you feel that it came from your heart, you are literally free and have so much more positive energy that you can move on with and grow some more. Isn’t that what we all want? I know when I put my head on my pillow each night and if I had peace, harmony and love that day, my day was not only perfect but complete as well…….Peace!