Notice how we are seeing the word PEACE pasted on every bag, clothing item, and piece of jewelry? Why all of a sudden? Why didn’t we see it when we were younger? I ask myself these questions literally on a daily basis.
The word Peace makes me smile, feel good, and want to say hello to everyone I see. How does it make you feel? Does all of the publicity of this peace craze make us feel more peaceful? Does it make us kinder to our neighbors? Has this peace stage changed the way we see things or feel inside? I really believe it has and I believe people want to be kind to others.
I find and notice that while we are trying to let this craze sink in we are still affected so much & consumed with ours and other people’s drama. Since I have been self-employed and doing a couple of small part time jobs, I feel that my “drama” has severely decreased and I feel unbelievable because of it! Getting sucked into the negativity at a work place can be unbearable. What is worse is most of us do not even realize the damage it is causing us and how we are losing our own identity.
I think speaking from experience in the drama department, my best advice is FIND happiness, BE happiness, and LIVE happiness. Yes, it can be that simple. Each morning we wake up & we make choices. We choose to get out of bed or stay in bed, we choose what to eat, and we choose how people will affect us. I find that is a huge key to our guide for happiness……..WE CHOOSE HOW PEOPLE AFFECT US!
Does this make sense? I know when it first knocked me in the side of the head like a ton of bricks. I was very pessimistic. The reason for my pessimism? I enjoyed “my drama” and I enjoyed talking about others problems. It made me feel alive inside in some sort of sick way. I remember bringing this drama home to my husband. I would go up and down and all around and NEVER get a rise out of him. This would drive me nuts! I would get so upset and say things like, “You don’t get me, you don’t understand me, blah, puke, blah, puke.” Not a reaction from him whatsoever…………..hmmmm…..maybe he was on to something.
Finally, I started reading happy books and found that my husband was genius! He knew from a young age how not to react to others people crap. All of these books I read filled my head and heart with happy thoughts, happy feelings and completely changed my outlook on the rest of my journey. I would literally walk down the street and greet everyone with a smile and a huge hello from my heart. It was literally invigorating. I was on a new high and was not affected if people looked at me like I was on some type of new “happy crack”. What’s great is that anyone can do this. These happy books are not teaching you brain surgery. They are simply teaching you how to live simply…….All you need to do is take control of your own thoughts and feel happiness inside.
So when your with a group of co-workers, friends or others who you barely know and they are trash talking someone else, or just damn right miserable, STOP right there and CHOOSE what you will do next. Will you put a positive spin on their drama to help them get out of it? Will you excuse yourself or remove yourself from the situation? If you decide on either of these options, KUDO’s to you! This is the first step in deciding how you will guide the rest of your BE happy lifestyle! Remember, nobody can make you feel sad, bad or mad unless you allow it. Now get out there and make happy & peaceful choices!
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