Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What are your thoughts?

I really want to take this moment and thank all of you for taking time out of your hectic lives and reading my blogs.  I have to say that Face Book has been such an intricate part in my blogging process.  It has enabled me to get all of these writings out to you and share some very intimate parts of my life as well as learning about some of your lives.  I want to highly recommend Face Book if you have a passion that you have always wanted to share with others.  Writing has always been such a therapeutic part in my life.  From journal writing about boys to writing multiple page letters begging my mom to quit smoking has played an important role in this human experience.  Luckily when I have a thought and my pen hits the paper I just go sometimes for an hour or so.
Tonight I have really been thinking of writing and how easy it comes to me.  I have always felt writing would never leave my life.  I wake up with ideas, go to sleep with ideas and throughout the day I am always jotting things down.   Writing saturates every cell in my body and I know with this passion  all things from here on will be blissful, joyful and never dull.  So, why am I writing all of this down?  Well, have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction?  Pretty much, whatever thoughts you send out to the universe good or bad they will come back into your life.  Is this law mystical?  Is this law powerful?  Is this law hogwash? 
Let me just go over a couple of moments in my life where this law has played such a major role.  I believe that our mind is very powerful and so intriguing.  Back in the fall of 1988 when I was a senior in high school I still did not know what I wanted to do after I graduated.  Most of my friends were going to college or applying to colleges.  I had an inkling of an idea that I wanted to go to college, but never felt forced (which I was grateful for). My parents never pressured me to go to college and were respectful of whatever my decision would be with college, religion or anything else that was my journey and not theirs.  So finally by the spring of 1989 I announced to them I wanted to go to college.  I was excited, and I felt like I was on top of the world!  I pretty much got pushed off the “top of the world” with their next comment, “You better start saving your money because we cannot afford to pay the tuition.”  Maybe for about two to three minutes I felt defeated & would change my mind about that “college thing.”
In that moment, bells and whistles rang loudly in my ears.  I decided to take a year off and work full time as well as have a couple of part time jobs.  My mind was on college and ONLY College.  Every other weekend I would go visit Keene State just to keep my mind focused on what college life felt like.  This was critical in order for me to have the vibration and the “Yes I am already here” mode.  I would actually imagine the dorm room was mine that I was crashing in for the weekend.  Everything felt real and I continued this process until I literally had my own dorm room.  I paid and took loans out for the first 3 years of school.  Was it easy?  Hell no!  Did I cry and beg the financial aid office each year for money?  Yes, without failure and luckily they always had a box of tissues for me.
So my senior year of college was a bit more difficult with money but I never kept my eyes off the prize. Graduation and a degree never left my heart or mind.  Before my second semester, I was out of money and just got denied from the Financial aid office.  Apparently my breakdowns were not as effective as the previous three years.    So here I was, one semester left to graduate and completely broke.  I was on winter break, working 3 part time jobs and knew this would not be enough money to complete my senior year. The funny thing is there was no thought in my mind of me not graduating…..It would happen!  Mike and I were dating at the time and were working at a bingo hall together.  Well one memorable night we decided to actually play bingo.  So here we were playing bingo, not winning but having a good time.  I decided to buy some pull tickets that had a pretty significant bonus prize.  After I bought the ticket I sat on it for good luck….lol   the moment finally came and they called my ticket number!  By calling my number I won $200.  I then got to go for the bonus by picking a color.  If the color I picked revealed the word bonus I would win the prize of $1300!  I am freaking out at this moment and Mike keeps saying, “pick red, pick red.”  The next thing I knew I said “yellow”.  I don’t know why, I don’t even like yellow but some voice in my head, which now I know to always listen to that source said, “yellow.”  BAM!  I won the flipping bonus!  I was in tears, saying, "I can graduate!”
The best part of the story and always makes me say “nothing happens on accident,” was the amount of money I won was the exact amount of money I needed for my tuition.  That is not luck, or chance.  My part time jobs I had worked that month paid for my apartment rental for the rest of the semester.  Just writing all of this brings me back to the excitement, gratitude and joy I felt at the specific moment.  Now if I would have increased that 2-3 minute time frame of feeling defeated four years earlier, none of those things would have occurred and no degree would be in my hands.  All of this happened because of my thoughts and actions.  That is the law of attraction and yes it is mystical and powerful, and no it is not hogwash!
Another moment in my life where this law is creating powerful moments is right now.   My love and passion for writing eventually turned into my blog.  About 2 years ago I began writing a children s book and completed the story within a week.  The next one and a half years I pretty much became lazy until my blogging started.  My friend illustrated the book and now it is published.  My son’s librarian at the school wants a copy in his library, most of my daughter’s teachers want a copy and I get to read it tomorrow morning to my daughters reading class.  The law of attraction can occur as fast, as slow, as good things or yucky things.  This law knows nothing but what your thoughts and vibration are and it will give you exactly that! 
So start thinking, start dreaming and begin knowing and believing ANYTHING can happen if you allow it with your wonderful thoughts…….Peace…

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